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  • 3 September, 2022

Are You Over-Brushing?

Author- Dr Aparna Pandya( Mrs India Vivacious 2019)

It may sound bewildering but here is something not many people know, there is something as proper technique of brushing your teeth to keep dental problems at bay. Damage caused to teeth and gums are mostly due to brushing too hard or using the wrong toothbrush which inturn leads to problems like abrasions and gingival recession, which then results in tooth sensitivity.

People over excitedly tend to brush their teeth too hard with the intention of keeping their teeth clean and healthy, but this more often is very counterproductive, because it causes gingival recession and enamel abrasions making the beautiful white teeth of yours look more yellow and much darker.

So keeping this in mind how do we be sure if we’re brushing too hard.. do the toothbrush test- Check your your toothbrush. Now in case your brush has been used for only less than three months, then it should look relatively new. If the bristles are frayed that’s a sign you're brushing way too hard.

Correct Brushing Technique

Remember, brushing your teeth correctly requires some mindfulness, but it is definitely not difficult to change your hard-brushing ways. If you want to keep tooth sensitivity and damaged teeth at bay then you should follow the correct brushing techniques regularly.

Always use a soft-bristled toothbrush and replace it every three or four months — or sooner if it frays. Choose the size and shape of your toothbrush correctly, it should have correct fit as per your mouth such that it can reach all the tooth surfaces easily.

Keep the toothbrush at an angle of 45-degree angle to your gingiva. This bristles can now easily access the areas under the gumline.

Gently move the brush back and forth. Brush 3-4 teeth at a time to cover all the teeth as well as all teeth surfaces. Ensure that the lingual and palatal surfaces are also cleaned using the same technique so that it is not missed out. In case of  using an electric toothbrush, do follow the same techniques except avoid too much pressure just lightly glide it over your teeth. You may also go all fancy sometimes by using your nondominant hand.

Slow down. You are to brush your teeth for atleast two minutes twice a day inorder  to prevent tooth decay. It sounds very long but it a very small investment for the part of the body which can never grow back once lost.  

To keep your mouth healthy and clean, try the following tips:

  • Brush your tongue to remove bacteria and freshen your breath.
  • Floss once a day to remove tooth-decay-causing bacteria between the teeth, where your toothbrush can’t reach.
  • Limit sugary beverages and snacks and eat a balanced diet.
  • See your dentist regularly (at least once or twice a year, in some cases more) to prevent and treat oral disease.
Oral Care
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How To Brush
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